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C2g 34025 35ft Logitech Group Video Conferencing Extender
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The Extender for Logitech video conferencing systems extends the camera or speakerphone and an HDMI AV signal up to 35 feet away from the system hub. This solution requires a RapidRun Optical runner cable (Included) for extension, and installation is made easy through labeling. This extension solution passes the audio and video signals to the Logitech hub, but, when extending the camera, it also passes the control signals. These control signals allow the camera to continue to move as if it were directly connected to the hub with the cable provided by Logitech.
Designed for compatibility with the Logitech GROUP, SmartDock, and CC3000e video conferencing system; Extend the camera or speaker phone and an HDMI AV signal; Requires one RapidRun Optical runner
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
- Dimensions:
- Updated:
- Added:
- C2G
- 34025
- New
- 1.60lbs
- 0 X 0 X 0
- Feb 21, 2025
- Jun 27, 2017
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C2g 34025 35ft Logitech Group Video Conferencing Extender