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Valcom VC-V-GPSA Gps Master Clock
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- Valcom GPS master clock- 8 Channel technology - Microprocessor based - Immediate start up time - High reliability - In case of loss of signal, a temperature controlled time base is implemented allowing calibration of the time during variants in temperature - Synchronized to UTC within 500 nanoseconds - Interfaces directly with Valcom analog and digital clock systems - Capable of working as a master for Valcom 2-wire digital systems - Operation of auxiliary circuit for once-a-day relay closure with precise second resolution - Field programmable via 2 switches - 2 Levels of programming for technicians and end users - 10 Year battery backup for timekeeping - 1 Programmable signal duration per circuit (1 - 99 seconds), allowingthe user to interface with other systems - Diagnostic mode allows the user to maintain and troubleshoot the clock system from the master clock - LED display - Valcom digital inputs and outputs - Rack mountable - FCC approved - Madein the U.S.A. - When used with Valcom wirelessclocks, add a V-WMCR wireless master clock repeater- When used with Valcom wired clock (2-wire correction) add V-VCU 6-Amp 2-wire clock drivers asnecessary- Includes 6 foot power cord, dome antenna, 75 foot RG-59 cable
Valcom VC-V-GPSA Gps Master Clock
- Manufacturer:
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- 9.40lbs
- 12 X 11 X 24
- Jan 27, 2025
- Sep 09, 2020
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Valcom VC-V-GPSA Gps Master Clock