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Ebrookmyer GM-16 Ice Dam Channel Maker
Ebrookmyer GM-16 Ice Dam Channel Maker
Bare Ground Mag Plus GelMelt Ice Dam Channel Maker. This gel is a long lasting and powerful ice melter. Each 16in tube contains a 2in diameter of gellified Bare Ground Mag Plus liquid. To use, place the extruded tube perpendicular to the roof line before or after the creation of an ice dam to carve a channel or pathway for the water to runoff your roof, preventing ice and water build up which can cause extensive and expensive damage. Also fits easily into gutters and is nearly impervious to rain.
Country of Origin - US
Country of Origin - US
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
- Dimensions:
- Updated:
- Added:
- Ebrookmyer Inc
- GM-16
- New
- 3.00lbs
- 18 X 4 X 4
- Jan 27, 2025
- Nov 12, 2021
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Ebrookmyer GM-16 Ice Dam Channel Maker