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Iscope iS9104 Samsung Galaxy S5 Scope Adapter - Mossy Oak
Iscope iS9104 Samsung Galaxy S5 Scope Adapter - Mossy Oak
The iScope Adapter for Samsung Galaxy S5 (Mossy Oak) is a valuable addition to any hunters arsenal. You can now enjoy a full screen view of your target right there on your phone. No more squinting with one eye, struggling to find the crosshairs. In addition, the iScope will allow you to record your hunt from your perspective. Use the video to review shot placement, as a training aid for individuals new to the sport or just simply post it online and make your friends jealous. The iScope is also great for individuals who struggle with using a scope. The iScope is made of a durable aircraft aluminum housing with a replaceable polymer backplate. The replaceable backplate makes upgrading your iScope to fit your next smartphone as simple as 3 little screws. The unit comes completely assembled and ready for use. An instruction guide, replacement felt pads, and recoil bands for use on high caliber firearms are all included. Weight: 14 oz.
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
- Dimensions:
- Updated:
- Added:
- iS9104
- New
- 1.00lbs
- 10 X 4 X 6
- Jan 27, 2025
- Jun 05, 2018
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Iscope iS9104 Samsung Galaxy S5 Scope Adapter - Mossy Oak