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Niteize NPO-03-01 Nite Ize Headband Flashlight Holder Black
Niteize NPO-03-01 Nite Ize Headband Flashlight Holder Black
The Headband was invented to solve an all-too-common problem: how to aim a flashlight with one hand while trying to work with the other. At some point in our lives, weve all experienced this frustration, maybe even tried to free our hands by balancing the flashlight on top of something nearby, holding it under our chin or in our mouth. This Headband provides a great convenient, inexpensive solution. Constructed of 1 webbing, this lightweight, adjustable headpiece fits almost any AAA, AA, or L123 flashlight, and instantly turns it into a versatile headlamp. The Headband is fully adjustable to fit any size, and, like all of Nite Ize products, made of high quality materials and built to last.
- Manufacturer:
- Model Number:
- Condition:
- Weight:
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- Updated:
- Added:
- NPO-03-01
- New
- 0.39lbs
- 0 X 0 X 0
- Feb 13, 2025
- Jun 05, 2018
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Niteize NPO-03-01 Nite Ize Headband Flashlight Holder Black