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Gsm GWP-NHE-BT Walkers Razor Xv Neck Worn Hearing Enhancement Wblue Tooth
888151013458 19662 The Razor-XV ear buds from Walkers Game Ear are electronic noise canceling ear buds. These ear protectants allow you to better hear soft noises, while canceling out loud noises. It features a 31dB noise reduction rating and also a 250mAH battery for 10 hours of use. The Razor-XV also comes equipped with Bluetooth technology that allows you to connect with your phone or other blue tooth capable devices.Product SpecificationsModelRazr XV Serieswith Bluetooth Type Electronic Color Flat Dark Earth NRR 31 db Quantity 1 Unit/3 Plugs Style Behind The Head AFT Circuit No Battery Included Compression Circuit Yes Material Polymer GWPNHEBT 888151013458
The Cyclops Razor-XV incorporates a neck worn device featuring retractable digital ear buds that provide incredible comfort for all day shooting. The behind the neck design allows for zero interference with you or your weapon, allowing for complete focus on your target. These remarkable patent-pending buds will not only protect your hearing, but enhance up to nine times your natural hearing ability as well. Utilizing a sound activated compression circuit (sac) the razor XV features a no fail system for protecting your ears from harmful noises such as muzzle blast, and will actually reduce overall sound output by an impressive 31DB (31DB NRA). the hi gain omni-directional microphones provide clear sound enhancement for enjoyable conversations on the range or to hear firearm instructors directions while training. The Razor-XV HD digital speakers provide a wide range audio quality that enhances the users experience. Now featuring Bluetooth, you can stream your favorite music, or even take a phone call all while protecting yourself from the harmful effects of muzzle blast. The razor XV also features independent volume control between the microphone and Bluetooth feed. In a shooting scenario this allows you to stream your music quietly and still allow for range commands over the top of the music when the microphones are turned up. In a hunting scenario, you can quietly listen to music, stream a sports game, or take a phone call and not miss out on anything running in! the razor XV GWP-NHE-BT is a serious game changer for any shooter or Hunter alike. The kit includes two different styles of noise reducing foam tips in a variety of sizes to ensure a proper fit for maximum noise reduction. The razor-x is equipped with an auto-shut off (low power mode) after 4 to 6 hours. The timer will reset and the unit will wake up after any button is pressed. An AC wall adapter with USB Port and a one-meter Micro USB cord is provided for convenient charging.
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- 1.14lbs
- 7 X 9 X 3
- Feb 13, 2025
- Jul 17, 2020
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Gsm GWP-NHE-BT Walkers Razor Xv Neck Worn Hearing Enhancement Wblue Tooth