Phone: 800-MAT-LINE (628-5463)
The pioneer manufacturer of the Vinyl backed mat.75-anniversaryWe are Crown Matting Technologies, the pioneers of the vinyl backed mats and the patented Zedlanu2122 foam mats made in North America.Crown Matting Technologies is a brand division of Ludlow Composites Corporation located in Fremont, Ohio. We are a matting manufacturer that specializes in customizing mats to fit Commercial entrances and Industrial workstation environments.Since 1943, Ludlow Composites Corporation continues to be a leading manufacturer that supports safe business practices and a partnership with the United Steelworkers Local 1915. We work with global suppliers and distributors to deliver quality floor matting and foam solutions tomeet consumer needs and expectations.Our three US divisions located in Fremont, Ohio include: Crown Matting Technologies, Crown Foam Technologies , and Crown Canine Sports Matting. Our Canadian division is Matting Technologies, located in Granby, Quebec, Canada.
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