Phone: : 800.373.1140
Founded in 1923, Eklind Tool Company is your complete source for the highest quality, professional grade, Hex Keys. Our tools are made with pride in the United States. Our complete product range includes L-Key, T-Key, Screwdriver and Fold-up tools with Hex, Ball-Hex, TORXu00ae and tamper resistant tips. We serve professional and consumer tool users purchasing products through all channels of distribution in the United States and worldwide.Now Hiring!By executive order of the governor of Illinois, a stay at home decree became effective on March 21, 2020, except for essential businesses and operations which are encouraged to remain open. Eklind Tool falls within the category of an essential business as defined in the executive order, and we will remain open.Take a look at the PRODUCTS page for more information on our product, including dimensions.u00a9 2016, Eklind Tool Company
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