To be the #1 destination for authors, agents, customers, client publishers, and employees.To be a respected publisher that values diversity, nurtures talent, rewards success, and honors its responsibilities.To be market focused in all we do, and to lead change in popular culture.To anticipate change, foster creativity, and encourage risk-taking and innovation.Hachette Book Group (HBG) is a leading US trade publisher and a division of the third largest trade and educational book publisher in the world, Hachette Livre. A global publishing company based in France, Hachette Livre is a subsidiary of the French media company, Lagardu00e8re. HBG is headquartered in New York City with offices in Boston MA; Lebanon IN; Nashville TN; Boulder CO; Philadelphia PA; and Berkeley CA. HBG also owns Hachette Book Group Canada, Inc., a marketing and publicity company based in Toronto. Our commitment to diversity As a leading book publisher, we believe that including and representing diverse voices in all aspects of our business is fundamental to what we do. Our staff and our publishing programs must reflect the broad range of backgrounds, experiences, and ideas that shape our society. We are committed to working together and with all our partners to foster diversity and a culture of inclusion, so that HBG can provide a truly welcoming and fulfilling environment for all employees and publish books that appeal to all readers.
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