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Icron Technologies Corp. u00bb Company u00bb AboutPrintAn Introduction to IcronIcron is a Maxim Integrated brand, as well as a leading global developer and manufacturer of high-performance USB and video extension solutions for commercial and industrial markets including Medical, Military, Industrial Automation, Machine Vision, ProAV, Education, and Mining/Exploration. Icronu2019s patented extension technology extends USB and video devices over many media types including CAT 5e/6/7, Fiber, Wireless, PowerLine and over a corporate LAN.Icron Company Overview brochurePatented TechnologyIcronu2019s patented extension technology is built into the ExtremeUSBu00ae suite of features offering customers:Simplicity: True plug and play (no software drivers)Reliability: Patented USB extensionDurability: Commercial grade, robust connections
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