Phone: 818-998-5805
About ICS-JMR ICS-JMR is now the data duplication and forensic analysis division of JMR ELECTRONICS INC (2017). New contact information: + 818 993 4801 PH + 818 727 2248 FAX corp-photo1.jpgICS-JMR is the pioneer in the disk drive duplication market, having first introduced this technology to the world in 1990. Protected by a US Patent, the unique system based on ICS-JMR's innovative and ground-breaking technology was the first automatic hard drive formatting and software pre-loading system that quickly became an industry standard. It is now the tool for most PC manufacturers and system integrators. ICS-JMR is the leader in the design and production of creative solutions that help companies in both the manufacturing and business environment. With its strong engineering division and creative software development staff, ICS-JMR takes pride in bringing high-quality, forward-thinking products to the market. ICS-JMR has gained international name recognition for 24 years of customer service and providing its customers with cutting edge solutions. In the mid nineties, when computer felony began to surge and become a serious factor in overall crime, ICS-JMR began to collaborate with law enforcement agencies and became the predomenant supplier of computer forensic systems for law enforcement personnel ranging from local police departments to Federal and International agencies. Today, government agencies worldwide consistently use and depend on ICS-JMR's products.
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