Phone: (916) 383-9460
Kamp-Rite Tent Cot, Inc. was founded in 1999 with the goal of producing unique, innovative solutions to common problems associated with many standard forms of camping gear. Armed with only the advice and suggestions of family members who are avid, experienced outdoorsmen, Kamp-Rite forayed into the camping gear market. The result was the u201cOriginal Tent Cot,u201d an item that combined the comfort of a standard sleeping cot with the protection of a tent. This fully enclosed off-the-ground sleep shelter would become Kamp-Riteu2019s breakthrough product, earning Kamp-Rite the title of World Leader in Off-the-Ground Camping Gear.Inspired by its initial success, Kamp-Rite became determined to continue creating innovative products. The company spent the next two years attending numerous trade shows that featured various outdoor recreational activities, as well as wild, land and firefighter groups and emergency management/preparation agencies from across the country. Kamp-Rite used the knowledge gained at these trade shows to design and develop new products that met the needs of these groups. The success of these products resulted in explosive growth that prompted increased management and sales support. The Kamp-Rite team has expanded over the years, making more than 35 new products, with more to follow.
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