Phone: +1 (800) LAPLINK
For over 35 years, Laplinku00ae Software has been a global leader in PC connectivity. Our commitment to the needs of our customers has been the driving force behind all of our product development and has earned Laplink the loyalty and trust of millions of customers worldwide who migrate, transfer, synchronize, share and remotely access their data.We began offering a simple, efficient method of transferring data from one computer to another across the signature Laplink cable in 1983. The popularity of our software resulted in our brand becoming so closely associated with file transfer that u201cLaplinku201d became synonymous with a cable used to connect computers and later, even the file transfer itself, as noted in Newtonu2019s Telecom Dictionary:Lap-link n.v.The word is originally the name of a DOS program that transfers files between laptop and desktop computers. It was a nifty program, the brainchild of Mark Eppley, and he formed a company to sell it called Traveling Software in Bothell, WA. Eventually the program became so successful that the word LapLink became a common verb to connote the transferring of files between computers as in, u201cIu2019ll go LapLink this file over to Maryu2019s machine.u201dIn the early days of the PC, migrating an old PC to a new one meant simply transferring all of the files u2014 files transfer and migration processes used the same software. But over the years, this changed significantly and Laplink changed as well.As a direct result of laplinku2019s commitment to file transfer and migration technology, advancements led to the creation of PCmoveru00ae, the companyu2019s flagship product and sophisticated migration solution.PCmover now commands 95% of the migration software market in the U.S. alone, is the only Microsoftu00ae recommended migration solution, and is currently the best-selling migration product in the world.PCmover is available in a variety of editions to meet various migration scenario requirements,
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