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The Materials Chemistry Laboratory is a part of the PC-1 Strengthening of Existing Departments at Islamia University of Bahawalpur. The project was approved by the HEC and the Planning Comission of Pakistan on 20 February 2015. The laboratory was established with a cost of Rs. 123 million. The laboratory hosts state of the art equipment and is part of the efforts to bring IUB at par with the advanced research institutions of the world. The research team specializes in the 3D structural characterization of the proteins and natural products extracted mainly from (but not limited to) the Cholistan desert, structural and functional studies of molecules applicable in dye-sensitized solar cells as well as routine chemical crystallography of diverse nature. Based on structural information of the molecules, we are trying to develop innovative solutions to address local and national issues related to health, energy and envoirnment. We take pride in saying that since its inauguration on 23 November 2018, hundreds of samples have been analyzed. The beneficiary departments include besides department of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Physics, Life Sciences and agriculture. In addition to this, a number of Universities and research centers have also collaborated with us. We thank them for their trust in us. MCL has started to make its impact!! The team thanks the Vice Chancellor of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur for his continued support.
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