Phone: +86-662-6602777
NEXTORCH, a global leading brand of professional portable lighting products, devotes to provide experts with more professional mobile lighting products in law enforcement, hunting, and outdoor.Professional, as one of NEXTORCHu2019s important spirit, penetrates all aspects of the entire company. NEXTORCH gathers a group of fanatical gear enthusiasts including company founder, product designers and marketing staff. In order to get more insights into what usersu2019 real needs, we learn through their experiences. We go hiking, trail running, cycling, shooting, hunting, mountain climbing, even go to the first scene of search and rescue.We are not only practicing the professional spirit by actively experiencing usersu2019 experience, the more we are doing here in NEXTORCH is making users involved in the product design. We are working on research and development of new products based on useru2019s thinking model like gathering a mass of different usersu2019 requirements, product concepts and designs, R&D, testing, production, marketing, and serving, not simply and only listen to what they need and solve their problems. Each of steps is vital to help us meet usersu2019 real need and produce professional products. Furthermore, in order to communicate with fanatical flashlight enthusiasts in different fields, we hold NEXTORCH outdoor meeting twice a year, and we interact with users by participating in product experiential marketing campaigns as well.
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