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Shop Flash Cards Workbooks Books Little ScholarCharlie & Co.Anywhere TeacherSchool ZoneAbout UsHome School Zone About UsSchool Zone Publishing: Nourishing Young MindsAlmost 40 years ago, long-time educators James Hoffman, Ed.D., and his wife Joan Hoffman, M.A., began a retail supply outlet for teachers, then soon identified a need for at-home learning materials to help parents support and supplement their childrenu2019s classroom instruction. School Zone Publishing fast emerged as the market leader in workbooks and flash cards for preschoolers through sixth graders.That legacy continues to grow. With research-based content, designed by educators and delivered across multiple learning platforms, School Zone connects with kids u201cwhere they are.u201d Software and downloads, workbooks and flash cardsu2014all are crafted through a childu2019s eyes, while integrating parent/teacher standards of precision and accountability. In every detail, innovation meets imagination and timeless tradition. In that same spirit, the company both embodies success and embraces possibility. For example, a School Zone app was part of Appleu2019s first-generation iPad debut in 2010. In 2013, School Zone introduced the first in its new flagship Little Scholaru00ae product lineu2014educational tablets for kidsu2014which eventually included the u201cmini,u201d a tablet ideal for smaller hands yet preloaded with 70+ apps, eBooks, songs, videos, and more. In 2016 the company launched, an online learning destination packed with entertaining educational activities for kids ages 2 to 8.
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