Seek The Unseenu00aeAn unseen world of energy surrounds us. We only see some of it with our eyes, light from a source of energy reflected on objects around us. But even though we canu2019t see it, all objects produce or retain heat. When viewed through a Seek Thermal camera, this world of heat can be converted to images, providing important information useful in solving everyday problems that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Seek thermal imaging lets you see the world of heat instead of the world of light.Proven Track RecordThe company was founded in 2012 by two industry pioneering scientists, Bill Parrish, PhD and Tim Fitzgibbons PhD, who spent 40 years advancing the state of military and professional-grade thermal imaging technology. Following their previous two companies, Amber Engineering and Indigo Systems, each with successful acquisitions, Seek Thermal is their third venture with the mission to make thermal imaging a part of everyday life.Built for Quality and ScaleSeek Thermal is partnered with Raytheon and NXP to design and deliver high-quality, affordable thermal imaging sensors and products across the globe at scale. As one of the few companies in the world capable of building sensors, Seek Thermal has shipped hundreds of thousands of thermal imaging products around the world as it continues to make thermal imaging an accessible, everyday tool, so people can do their jobs safer, faster and smarter.LEADERSHIP TEAMBILL PARRISHPictureCO-FOUNDER, CTO, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARDREAD BIOTIM FITZGIBBONSPictureCO-FOUNDER, BOARD DIRECTORREAD BIOMIKE MUENCHPictureCEO AND PRESIDENT, BOARD DIRECTORREAD BIOCAROL E. BARTHOLEMYPictureCFO/VICE PRESIDENT, FINANCEREAD BIODEBBIE HORNEPictureVICE PRESIDENT, HUMAN RESOURCES & ADMINISTRATIONREAD BIOu200bJEFF KARLSONPictureVICE PRESIDENT, PRODUCT & MARKETINGREAD BIORUSS MEADPictureVICE PRESIDENT, ENGINEERINGREAD BIOJEFF MEISSNERPictureVICE PRESIDENT, GLOBAL SALESREAD BIOSeek Thermal Inc.6300 Hollister Aveu200bu200bSanta Barbara, CA 93117About Press Warranty Legalu200bProduct Registrationu200bCareersu200bContactu00a9 COPYRIGHT 2020.
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