TDK was founded in 1935 to commercialize ferrite, a magnetic material. The innovation of TDKu2019s founder created great value to the world that had not existed before. He believed strongly in the potential of ferrite and built a venture business with origins at the Tokyo Institute of Technology even though the new materialu2019s wide-ranging uses were yet to be discovered.TDK has continued to create products with originality and a high level of value through manufacturing excellence u2014Monozukuriu2014 making use of the five core technologies of materials technology starting with ferrite; process technology to maximize all of a materialu2019s properties; evaluation and simulation technology; product design technology; and production technology. Today, TDK offers its excellence in manufacturing across a range of product groups, including capacitors, inductors, transformers, sensors, actuators, magnetic heads, magnets, power supplies, batteries, and many types of electronic components and electronic devices.Today, with historic changes being brought by digital transformation (DX) utilizing IoT and AI and energy transformation (EX) through the expansion of renewable energy and other technologies, the importance of electronic components and electronic devices is greater than ever before. With our focus on our priority markets in automotive, information and communication technology (ICT), and industrial and energy, TDK will contribute to achieving DX and EX in society.TDK has more than 200 sites in over 30 countries and regions around the world, with more than 100,000 employees. About 90% of those employees work at sites outside of Japan, and the rich diversity of our personnel is one of TDKu2019s greatest strengths. We will leverage that strength in our use of global human resources and global governance systems to ensure the success of our growth strategy.Our commitment to benefiting the world and contributing to society has been handed down as part of our corporate DNA since our founding, and we are actively working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015. To realize a sustainable society even in the post-coronavirus age, TDK will contribute to DX and EX, helping to create new social value.
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